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CIS105: Computer Applications & Information Systems Lect. 2

Author:Anda Toshiki
Updated:a day ago
Reading:2 min

Chapter 2: Application Software

  • An application program is a computer program designed to carry out a specific task other than one relating to the operation of the computer itself.

2.1: Word Processing Software

  • For creating, updating and editing documents
  • Can create a Table of Contents
  • Saved to secondary memory
  • Often underestimated
  • Microsoft Word: Most popular word processor in the world
  • Adobe Acrobat: Most portable document format (pdf)
    • Platform Neutral
  • Corel WordPerfect: most dominant in early 80s (still used in some industries like law)
    • Created and Brigham Young university

2.2: Spreadsheets

Microsoft Excel: Most popular spreadsheet application (provides "what-if" analysis)

  • Interface of information in a grid form
  • Separated by columns and rows
    • Intersection of both called a cell
  • Often for financial calculations
  • Supports graphing
  • Replaced Lotus 1-2-3 as industry standard in 1993

2.3: Database Software

Database: The heavy-lifting application

  • Well thought out collection of files
  • Consists of records (rows)
  • Separated by fields (columns)
  • Can be queried
  • Often called a Database Management System or simply referred as DBMS
  • One-to-many relationship

2.4: Presentation Software

  • Displays information
  • Often a slide show and on-screen
  • Easy to build
  • Popularized by Business Intelligence
  • Allows users to:
    • Edit, update, insert, and delete text
    • Include graphics, video, and hypertext

2.5: Browser Software

  • User interface software that allows the user to display web pages found on the World Wide Web
  • Browsers display hyperlinks that are clickable navigation elements
  • Microsoft Edge, Google Chroe, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple's Safari
  • The first browser was called WorldWideWeb (no spaces)
  • Sir Tim Berners-Lee was the inventor of the first web browser

2.6: Networks

  • A computer network is two or more computers connected together for resource sharing and communication.
  • Resources: Computer files, folder, software
  • Peripheral hardware: Printers, scanners, webcam, etc.

The advantages of a computer network over a stand-alone computer are so significant that business cannot compete effectively in the marketplace without a network of some kind, even if the business is a sole proprietorship.